
Elizabeth (Liz) Gorman

Elizabeth (Liz) Gorman

Liz Gorman joined Sue Rosen Associates as a heritage consultant in 2016. She holds an MA from Macquarie University majoring in ancient history. Her studies took her to the fascinating archaeological trenches of Pompeii, where sometimes the smallest detail could tell the biggest story about past life. Her love of working in, with and around the built environment, landscapes and collections comes from seven years working in the museums and galleries sector.


A career detour through the glossy world of broadcast and print media wasn’t enough to keep her from her passion for uncovering stories of the past. An abundance of operational experience interpreting and compliantly applying legislative instruments, project management, workflow optimisation, and collaborating with a diverse range of people at all levels, were among the collection of useful souvenirs that stowed away on the return journey.  


Liz brings her unique skill set and approach to her work at Sue Rosen Associates, where she can be found working on a broad spectrum of projects including heritage impact statements, archival research, community engagement and plans of management.